Be aware that using this tool requires JavaScript

Remove afterwards:
Minecarts and command block
This tool helps to execute several commands in a single command block
Just write the list of commands in the textarea on the left separated by new lines.
Press "Generate" and copy the output on the right side into a command block.

Lines starting with #, // and -- will be ignored as well as empty lines.

Lines that start with { or } or any kind of whitespace will be added to the previous line. Note that the space at the beginning of the line will be removed. To add space you can add one at the end of the previous line.

If a command contains any ", \ or , it will suround the command with " and turn all " in the commands into \" and all \ into \\.
This is so that Minecraft (hopefully) places exactly the command you entered into the Minecart.

Explanation of the tool by Meri the LapisDemon:

By Panda4994

I do not take any responsibility in case anything in your world breaks while using this tool. Use on your own account.